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To thine own self be true: sexual integrity in a confusing world

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Products: What's Included?

Each session includes four resources:
• A leader’s guide
• An audio recording
• A transcript of the audio recording
• A response sheet

How it works:
• Leader reviews the content in advance.
• Leader plays the recording for the group.
• Leader distributes response sheets.
• Leader facilitates the discussion, using the discussion questions to get things going.
• Each member writes in their journal in their own time.
• After the last recorded session, there’s a presentation and celebration.

How long is each session?
 • The recording is up to 30 minutes long.
• Discussion time is 30-90 minutes, depending on how much your group talks.

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Chapter 2: Anatomy
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Ch 1. Session Sneak Peek


This is the introductory session, to make sure all participants understand the purpose and goals of the program. It’s also a way to do a trial run of the class logistics.

Session 1: Being Wrong

Seeing wrongness in others or fearing being wrong can trigger strong defensive reactions. This session introduces conversation skills in a neutral context before addressing hot-button topics throughout the chapter.

Session 2: Worldview

Everyone has a worldview. It is a requirement for human survival. However, worldview is often like water to a fish: so all-encompassing that it’s difficult to perceive. This session supports participants to gently explore their own worldviews and make them both conscious and explicit.

Session 3: Religion

This session focuses on religion as a concept, and the role it plays in developing and refining sexual integrity.

Session 4: What is sex?

There is a surprising amount of disagreement on how to define sex! This session explores those differences.

Session 5: Rational and Emotional Brain

This session explores the strengths and vulnerabilities of the two main styles of thinking: reason and emotion. Neither is superior. Making good decisions requires using the strengths of both.

Session 6: Culty influences

This session teaches participants how to recognize cultish manipulation tactics, and use the rational mind to consciously evaluate the culty groups currently relevant in their lives.

Session 7: Conflicting Worldviews

This whirlwind tour of mutually exclusive worldviews helps participants understand their own worldview more clearly. It also introduces the skill of looking at a moral dilemma from the perspective of several different worldviews.

Session 8: Why is sex?

In most worldviews, sex has a purpose or telos. These beliefs about purpose are the foundation upon which sexual ethics are built. Participants explore several different perspectives on the purpose of sex.

Session 9: Marriage traditions

Opinions about marriage are relevant to opinions about sex, but the relationship is complicated. This session shares a variety of traditions around marriage, and includes five distinctly different perspectives on the definition of marriage.

Session 10: Orgasm and consent

This session explores the two key factors in the “sex positive” worldview, based on the teachings of Alfred Kinsey. After a brief review of orgasm, it explores the strengths and weaknesses of six different models for sexual consent. Discussion includes moral dilemmas and boundary setting exercises.

Session 11: What is good sex?

The recording for this session is a short, moderately explicit, description of a fictional couple having sex under circumstances that should meet nearly everyone’s moral standards for ideal sex. Participants then discuss each factor involved, according to the values of your group.

Session 12: Review and party planning

Quick review of all the topics the group has explored together. Planning for the final celebration

Closing Celebration

There’s no recording for this. Integrity presentations from each participant provides the content.